"Your Dangerous, you don't know what you want"
I've got a friend who says this song reminds him of me. I listened to the lyrics, instead of just singing them & he was right in some ways. Isn't it amazing how songs seem to change their meaning over the years? The way our lives change the meaning of our favorite songs. The music seem to change right along with us. I always like to say "this one would be in the soundtrack of my life". This song would definately be in mine.
Music is a very important of part of who I am. I mean I'm always listening. I wake up & on goes the music. Car, work, when I shower, etc, etc. Hell even as I write this post, I'm listening.
I have playlists set on my iPod depending on my moods.
I'm pretty lucky to have been raised in a house with a love of music. You know I once knew a girl who said she didn't like The Beatles. After some conversation I realized it was because she wasn't really around their music or any music for that matter. How unfortunate for that broad. Yes, she was a broad too. Eh well, her loss.
Well on to this weekend---I didn't have to see all three ex's this weekend. But the one I was the least concerned about was the one I didn't see. Go figure. The other two? Mr be my "side salad" had some brief conversation with me but basically pouted in the corner & slipped out of the party early. By no means is it because he needs me or wants me..it's due to the lack of attention. Atleast there wasn't an argument. We had some wicked fights. The other I had a blast with, he's hilarious which is actually where my initial attraction came from. But I did manage to get out before I was put in a bad situation. Or it was uncomfortable. I think we've reached that point where we can be friends. I am really jazzed about this.
So overall wasn't a bad weekend, nothing too thrilling. No drama either. The 4th is over which means the rest if the summer will fly by.
Wonder what else this year will bring my life?
I leave this post with the quote from this song that is usually the most appropriate. Not a cut down really, I know my strengths & weaknesses.
It's just that I'm just really clumsy. ;)
"Your an accident waiting to happen"
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