Edie Segwick, she was part of Andy Warhols pack who hung out at The Factory. Edie was the essential party girl in that she came from money so if she wanted to party, everyone was. On her tab. She was a trust fund baby who met Andy at a party with a friend from college who was also an actor. Everyone loved her, mostly because they loved how she made people feel about themselves.
Her star rose fast among the others & was soon Andys latest & greatest. She was his best friend & his lil pet project. The goal of his project was to make Edie a star. Warhol put Edie in his films, people loved her style. She was envied by the art world. She was on Andys arm at every art & fashion event. She was right where so many would have died to be at. She knew it & thrived there.
But like some of Warhols other projects he grew tired of her. Her issues which included a lack of money started to be a burden to the gang at The Factory. Keep in mind her fortune was mostly spent on their lavish lifestyle. Everyone took part in spending her fortune. All of her pain & depression couldn't be held down anymore. Soon the fun party girl was history & she was a sad heavy drinker who looked alot like someone who used to famous once.
Eventually Edie died, a broken heart maybe.
She was someone who was such a shining star among their elite group. But no one really knew that she insecure & sad. Not till it was over.
I've always been fascinated by Edie Segwick. It's due to her ability of always putting on the face of the fun girl. Never letting people know when she wasn't happy. Always fun & ready for a good time. Stylish, got everything she desired.
Don't get me wrong I've never been to her extreme. But as I'm sure I've stated before I'm a master at putting on the party girl face despite how I may be feeling.
For me she's a reminder to let others in. Some may not stick but the ones that do will be there for life. No matter how happy or sad you can be.
So let's raise our glasses to Edie
~thanks for letting us in your adventure!~
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