So in Broadcast News, Holly Hunter would take time each day and have a real good sob. Then she'd get up & go about her day. I always thought that was great. In a crazy way, none the less great.
Well this brings me to my subject this morning -tears.
Ya see I'm pretty good at hiding my feelings from others. I'm pretty proud of it to be honest. My motto was never let them see you cry. Never let them think they got the best of you. But come on. I'm a girl, not some non-feeling robot, so it happens.
Well lately I've got an issue that's been kind of hurting me. So there are tears, I am a fan of sad movies-I cry at the beginning & end of The Way We Were. Everytime. But the tears that I've had as of late don't feel good. Trying to get past this "issue" is taking longer than I thought it would. In fact I'm at a loss on how to fix it. I can usually fix anything, somehow or another. Guess it's just gonna take some time. Fuey. I like things tidy & organized. I don't like not having control of a situation. Just who I am I guess.
Enough of that. Lots to look forward to this week.
Monday night I've got some concert downtown for a local band I've never heard of. But the tickets are free so why not check them out. Then Thursday I've got great tickets to see the Cubs Vs Sox @ Wrigley. That should be a blast. And yet another grad party next weekend. Oh wait almost forgot about Friday. Drinking all day with a great pal of mine, going to see The Hangover in the middle of the day. Real immature fun day with one of my best friends who is in her late 30's.
As for the tears thing? Well I think I got my weeping done for today. Just gonna let go of that.
Wish it was that easy.
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