Thursday, May 13, 2010

What You Need

Pancake stack of glory

Pancakes cure all.

Against All Odds

Mushroom picking at Napa

Your the only who really knew me at all.


Soon To Be A Fine Wine

Home. Where I wanted to go...

Route 66


Lots to think about

Too Much Time On My Hands

All those lines...

I think the title of this song says it all doesn't it?


~ Somewhere Near Oblivion

Oh and did I mention I get to spend quality time with my sweetie next week?
Giddy is an understatement.

I Want You To Want Me

iPad front

Ok my obsession with getting an iPad is growing by the day. I'm confessing that today I went on my iTunes account and have downloaded some free apps for my future iPad. Don't even have the thing and I'm already getting apps. Crazy? Yeah.
Why, you may ask do I not have one already if I want it so bad.
Well glad you asked. I will not charge it and I'm waiting for a bonus check which should come this month.
Also I need the one with the wifi and 3G. So I'm waiting. And coveting it more and more everyday.

I will have an iPad. Oh yes I will have an iPad.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Love is Strong

Skippy Peanut Butter Tin Can, 1930's

~You make me hard, you make me weak~


In "LoVe" Germany..HappY ValenTine's Day..

Feel like running and skipping.... ;)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sister Sister

The Fist Project

So over the last couple months my sister and I have reconnected. Its been amazing. Almost like we didn't miss a step. Despite our age difference we've got so much in common and we see eye to eye on nearly everything. No matter what happens, good, bad, any shit that comes up I feel I can handle. I've got my sister. Life is good. No. Life is great. By the way she would love this photo...


Wheat Field 2

So I did it, and man do I feel the freedom. Social networking..Twitter, Facebook. Had my fill of them. And I have done away with both of them. Don't get me wrong I had a great time on Twitter. Met some great people, had some adventures, hell made the most amazing connection. But alas I'm done. It reached a point for me, died down and then I realized whatever I was looking for in the past I seemed to have found or gotten past. For some people it works and for that I think its great. Just for me...well for me I've had my share. Facebook never really did anything for me. So blah. But to Twitter...goodbye old friend! :)